Get Rid of Eyesores On Your Property with Stump Removal

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Tree stumps are not the most attractive landscaping features, and if you have a tree stump on your property, getting it removed can really spruce up your space. Whether you have a tree stump from a recent tree removal or the stump was there when you purchased the property, stump removal can be done to get rid of the unsightly stump.

Get Rid of Eyesores On Your Property with Stump Removal

Tree stumps are not generally considered attractive, and in addition to taking away from the beauty of your property, they can be a potential hazard. Tree stumps can cause people to trip, so getting rid of it will make your yard safer. Additionally, tree stumps can provide breeding grounds and homes to unwanted pests and diseases that can infect and inhabit other trees on your property, causing bigger issues.

Choosing stump removal will rid your property of an unappealing stump, make your property a safer place, and eliminate that habitat for pests and disease in your yard. Stump removal will also make your property more appealing, improve your property value and curb appeal, and allow you to reclaim that ground space for other purposes.

At Wes’ Tree Service Inc., we offer stump removal in the Simcoe County, Ontario area. Our priority is to provide knowledgeable information and high-quality workmanship to our clients. Our team is experienced and ready to tackle any stump removal job to reclaim your yard area. We are sure to be thorough and grind the stump to 10-12 inches below the surface and then backfill with topsoil to prevent a depression in your yard from forming.

If you would like to schedule your stump removal, please give us a call. We give each property the appropriate care and attention to ensure that we are always operating in your best interest!